Episode 6

Compete on Rate and Lose

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If all you have to win clients over is a cheap rate, you are fighting a losing battle, because there will always be someone cheaper. You will become a replaceable commodity.

In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, James Veigli and Ash Playsted share why this was the go-to strategy in the past, and why it no longer helps mortgage brokers at present. They share how brokers need to step up from being a simple order-taker and transform themselves into a trusted advisor.

Are you ready to elevate your game from being a mortgage broker into a trusted advisor and grow your business? Let James and Ash guide you on that journey.

The Key Questions

  • What are you (broker) going to do for me (client)? (10:11)
  • How do you switch the conversation to where you want to go? (10:28)
  • How do I actually activate the trusted advisor? (13:10)
  • How do I turn more people into customers? (25:11)

What You’ll Learn

  • Why brokers who continue to compete on rates, fees, and lenders, will lose. (0:56)
  • In the absence of good advice, people will default to a better deal. (4:48)
  • Most mortgage brokers get word-of-mouth and referrals. (7:24)
  • Switching from being an order-taker to being a trusted adviser. (11:12)

Let's Accelerate

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