Episode 82

Collecting Testimonials

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Many mortgage brokers are at least vaguely aware that customer testimonials are useful. However, they often lack a systematic approach to collecting and using them. At best, they have an ad-hoc approach to incorporating testimonials in their marketing efforts. But this approach puts their businesses at a disadvantage from the start.

In this episode of Mortgage Broker Acceleration, James Veigli and Ash Playsted focus on why testimonials matter. They share how brokers can develop an effective strategy to feed testimonials into a digital ecosystem. Tune in to discover many practical and cost-effective tips that will take your marketing to the next level.

The Key Questions

  • Why do testimonials matter? (1:23)
  • How can testimonials circumvent marketing fatigue? (3:45)
  • When should you ask a customer for a testimonial? (6:28)
  • Should you ask each client for multiple testimonials? (16:42)

What You’ll Discover

  • The different ways to capitalise on digital testimonials (2:34)
  • A systematic approach to collecting testimonials (5:16)
  • The importance of having positive testimonials on third-party platforms (9:17)
  • The 3 major platforms to start with when collecting testimonials (14:40)

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